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Feng Shui For Dress
Feng Shui for YOU! applies feng shui principles to the personal energy of The 8 Elements. What we wear is not just an expression of our personal style. How we dress is not just a projection of what we want the world to see. What we wear to work is not just our attempt to dress for success. How we dress is not just a gauge on how well we keep up with the current trends or proverbial Kardashians. What we wear is not just free advertising for brand names, logos and slogans. How we dress is not just broadcasting our personal values, beliefs and preferences.
Feng Shui For Hair
This morning I watched a video by Joey Yap, a feng shui and BaZi master, well respected worldwide. He was answering a question he got about feng shui for hair. A lady provided two photos of haircuts with different shapes and asked him to select the one that would improve her luck. His answer? There is no feng shui for hair. You cannot feng shui your hair for more prosperity or good fortune. One hairstyle is not more auspicious than another. A haircut cannot improve your "luck". And he's right!