Changing Directions

T8E Blog - Changing Directions

Harnessing the Winds of Change

August is the mid-point of the year. This is when the annual energy peaks before slowly beginning to diminish and create space for the arrival of new energy at the end of the year. And this peak is a gift bestowed on us that we can choose to receive with open eyes and arms, hearts and minds.

This time of year, sometimes called Indian summer, is associated with the Earth element. More specifically this seasonal interlude is associated with the Mountain Earth element. Just as late summer follows summer, mid-life associated with Mountain Earth follows adulthood associated with Fire. And just as mountains have peaks, this time of year signals a peak in energy after the climb and before descending down to the flatlands in the valleys below.

This fifth season is the transitional period between the Fire season of Summer and the Metal season of Fall. Providing respite, it’s a moment of peace and stillness before the busyness of the back-to-school and autumnal holiday seasons begin. It’s a climax to our ascent followed by a pause to revel in the ecstasy of reaching the top and taking in the panoramic view from above it all.

So, before summer collapses into fall, as Oscar Wilde so poetically described, it’s time to review our year to date and then set intentions for how we’d like to spend the last half of 2023. Were your annual goals too ambitious or unrealistic? Or, have you surpassed your own expectations? Have you achieved some personal bests in several areas of life? Or, have you missed goal posts and milestones each month or quarter this year?

The annual element becomes more intense at the beginning, middle and end of the year. Energy is strongest as it comes in on February 4th and as it moves out at the end of January. In August, at the midpoint of the year, the energy peaks. During the fall season, the annual energy will begin to diminish, creating space for the new energy coming in. Some people can sense this subtle shift as early as mid-November.

When the energy is auspicious, a lot of amazing things can shift and happen in our lives. Ambitious goals can be achieved. Things can be accomplished and checked off the to do list. Changes can take place that move our life forward, in a new direction and always, ever onward.

When the energy is inauspicious, life can become very, very challenging. Relationships can dissolve or expire. Health crises can occur. Businesses can close. Chapters of life can end. And people can be forced to change, shift their focus or pivot in their career or business.

The 4, an auspicious energy, has occupied the center of the bagua since February, affecting our lives, businesses and relationships for half a year now. It can attract new love and a romantic interest. It can increase sales, revenue and profits. It can inspire creative writing and make your publishing dreams come true. It can motivate you to read more and take up a field of study you’re interested in. And it can make you feel wealthy and prosperous, not just in your bank balances, but in the quality of your day-to-day life.

Soft Wood energy can be restless, tempestuous. This persistent wind can be quite contrary, moving back and forth, to and fro or in dizzying circles like the concentric rings of a tree. It can stir things up into violent gusts and whirlwinds of stormy weather with dramatic and devastating effects. It can bring hot summer showers and electrifying tropical thunderstorms. Whipping into a frenzy of high winds, funnel shaped windstorms can initiate hurricane season, bringing the torrential storm upon us.

Soft Wood winds can also be peaceful and pleasant. Cool and refreshing breezes, providing a welcome relief on a hot summer’s day. Soft and gentle winds, calming minds and emotions, easing anxious thoughts and feelings. Perfumed costal zephyrs, transporting travelers to another corner of the world on meandering currents of the four winds.

At this moment, at the peak of a Soft Wood year, we’re being given an opportunity to re-examine our lives, reflect on our life choices and recommit to honoring our highest values. Energizing, these uplifting winds can initiate a flurry of productivity. And harnessing these winds of change can activate and enhance our prosperity.

Soft Wood years can be life changing. They can precipitate a change in direction, for better or worse. Swept off your feet by an unexpected whirlwind of a romance or swept out to a stormy sea by a sudden tsunami of events. They can shift you out of the financial and relationship struggles that keep you in survival mode and into a state of wellbeing where you can flourish and thrive, finally.

If you need some guidance, customized to your personal feng shui element, request your 2023 Annual Personal Energy Guide and book a coaching session with me. Contact me about the special Annual Personal Energy Package.

IG ICM APE Coaching Package

It’s never too late in the year to feng shui yourself or your home. In fact, putting your remedies and enhancements in place now may help to ease some of the difficulties in your life and allow you to see and take advantage of potential opportunities that will change your life forever. My annual DIY Feng Shui Guide can help you do just that!

IG ICM 2023 DIY FS Trio August Special

If you’ve ever been interested in feng shui’ing your home or office, now is the perfect time to get started with my 2023 Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide. It comes with two supplemental guides and monthly feng shui and personal energy updates. Remedies and enhancements are good through January 2024. The DIY Feng Shui Package is on sale now for just $100. Contact me to request your trio of guides.

May you harness the winds of change and may they bring you peace and prosperity.

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If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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