Getting to Happy

T8E Blog - Getting to HAPPY
 People set the goals that they think will make them happy. And it's common for people to write down the same goals, year after year. They have desires and intentions and they write them down, again and again, because they haven't achieved them and they still want them. If this sounds like you, this blog is for you!
Sometimes people rewrite the same goals because it's something they think they should want or someone else thinks they should have. But it's not something they value enough to make the effort to get, because it's not something they really want, ever wanted or still want. If this is you, it's time to review and revise your goals.
Some people set the same goals, just new iterations of them, every year. These people like to set goals in each category: financial, career or business, health, relationships, etc. This framework seems like a good approach to goal setting but what it doesn't take into consideration is the effect the annual energy may on their personal energy. Not every year is going to be supportive of certain endeavors. If this is you, I recommend getting the Annual Personal Energy Guide for your element.
Then, there are the people who've been writing down the same goals since they were a teenager or in their early twenties. They still want what they want but they've never figured out how to get what they need to achieve their goals and make their dreams come true. Sometimes this is a lack of education or skills, supportive family or good connections, money or opportunity. Poverty, illness, addictions, divorce, single parenthood, debt, bankruptcy, unemployment, etc. can keep people in a survival mode that prevents them from getting to a better place. 
Many people live most of their lives far below the state of "fine", having enough of everything they need to live a good life. Even if they have enough money, they're lacking in other areas, like their health and relationships, due to stress. It's a challenge to make all the money and do all the the things. 
This is especially true for women. Men honor their needs far better than women and tend to find ways to get their needs met far more often. Most women, especially mothers, and specifically single mothers, live way below "fine". In fact, they've lived without getting their needs met for years, if not decades, and most of their adult lives.
Something I learned from Alison Armstrong is to think about needs in terms of what they will provide for you. When you have clarity about what a need will provide, you become more committed to honoring your needs and making sure to get them met. It prepares you to have a Needs Conversation with people in your life you need help from. And it helps you get to "fine", so that you can move toward getting to HAPPY!
So, now that you've set your goals and determined what you'll need to have or do to achieve them, it's time to journal about what getting those needs met will provide for you. Take out your journal and write about your essential needs. Then, list all the things honoring and meeting your needs will provide for you.

Journaling Prompts

When this need is met, I get to BE (qualities you'll embody)
When this need is met, I get to DO (actions you will take)
When this need is met, I get to HAVE (values you have access to)
Now, it's time to ASK. A stands for Asking Source, your Higher Self and the people in your life for guidance and help. S stands for Shifting your energy, your thoughts, your internal dialogue, your words, your emotions and your ways of being to a frequency that's a vibrational match to what you're asking for. And K stands for Knowing that you are safe, all is well, where you are is perfect, everything can quickly shift with ease and you can trust the process.
Each of The 8 Elements have very specific essential needs and highest values. You may tend to set goals based on your unique Life Center because that’s the aspect of your personal element that brings you the most wellbeing. Your desires are connected to your element’s default or dominant emotions. Access to inner happiness tends to be based on your ability to honor your needs, balance your energy and feng shui yourself. And your favorite things will reflect a combination of your completion number, primary human expression and stage of life. 
If you’d like to learn about how to honor and balance your personal energy and customize your goals, based your personal feng shui element, read about my signature coaching package, Feng Shui Yourself.
Read the other blogs in the Annual Review & Planning series: 
Getting to Know YOU! 
Getting Clarity on Your Goals

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me!  
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


The Way of Flow


Getting Clarity on Your Goals